Hearing Loss Doesn’t Have to Add to Holiday Stress! Take this quick and free online hearing test from Miracle-Ear for yourself or a loved one for a better understanding of hearing health. #ad #HearABetterDay
Did you know that 36 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss? That is a staggering number isn’t is? I certainly didn’t know that the number was that high, but honestly now that I think about it, I think I might understand it with all the baby boomers that are getting older and then all the younger folks who listen to their music way too loud, especially with headphones. These individuals with hearing loss struggle to hear everyday conversations and/or may even isolate themselves due to the denial or embarrassment.
The holiday season can be a stressful time for anyone, but for someone who is struggling with hearing loss, it can be a true nightmare! Think about all of the holiday parties, get-togethers and family time! All of these occasions bring even more conversations and/or loud environments which would be difficult for a person struggling with their hearing to focus on let alone follow…
As I have mentioned before, the hubs has had hearing loss since birth. He is 75% deaf in his left ear and 25% deaf in the right. His hearing loss in his left ear is not correctable and he was not a candidate for a cochlear implant, so he wears a hearing aid in his right ear. Although his hearing aid does not reverse his hearing loss, it does minimize the effects it has on his daily life.
As far as we can tell, the hubs hearing loss is not genetic although when we had a consultation during this pregnancy with a fetal medicine specialists we did discuss his hearing loss. The specialist did let us know that we could have genetic testing done to find out whether the hearing loss was genetic. We decided not to have the testing done. We are thankful that my stepson’s hearing is perfect!! This was one of the first tests he received after birth was a newborn hearing screening. The screening showed that he did not have any hearing issues. When our baby girl is born in February, she will have a newborn hearing screening immediately after birth (I have already discussed this with my doctor) as well and we are praying that she doesn’t show any signs of hearing issues.
If you do suspect hearing loss in yourself or a loved one, what is the first step?
The first step is to take this quick and free online hearing test from Miracle-Ear for yourself or a loved one for a better understanding of hearing health.
In less than 5 minutes, you can take this online hearing test for yourself or a loved one in the convenience of your own home. You will go through a few simple interactive scenarios to assess your hearing health or if taking the test for a loved one, you will identify some situations that you may have experienced with them.
Once you have the results (again in less than 5 minutes), you will receive recommendations on next steps!
Regardless of the results, it is important to learn how to support yourself and/or a loved one with hearing loss and thankfully Miracle-Ear has resources to help! The resources include a guide to acceptance, a conversation guide and more!
Click >>> HERE <<< for support for hearing loss!!
Are you or someone you love affected by hearing loss and how do you keep it from adding to your holiday stress? I would love to hear how you #HearABetter Day and your stories in the comments 🙂
My daughter was born with a hearing loss, thankfully, she was tested in the hospital I delivered at because it wasn’t mandatory then. Don’t stress over getting her newborn screening right away. They typically do them in the first 48 hours before you are able to leave the hospital. You don’t want to have it done before her ears are naturally allowed to get rid of the excess amniotic fluid. When my daughter failed her test, they did a repeat test in two weeks to confirm a hearing loss or if she had fluid still in her ear from birth. Then she had to have ABR testing which is more reliable than the test that they do with the newborn screening. In 1996/97, when she was little they didn’t do cochlear implants until they were two. Now they do them at an earlier age so that don’t lose out on valuable communication skills that they get the first three years of life. She is now in college and has done very well in my eyes.
They never did determine why my daughter lost her hearing. It was any genetic markers for it. I went on to have two other kids with normal hearing.
I took the online test – it was so much fun! I even took the one for someone else and found it to be very helpful. Thanks!
I am so glad, Sinea! Thank you for the feedback 🙂