Secret Ingredient Fruit Salad combines that feature with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, pineapple and grapes for a healthy, kid-friendly treat. The big-kids will love this fruit salad too! I was blown away by the simplicity of the recipe and when you hear what the secret ingredient is…you will kick yourself (as I did) for not thinking of it yourself. This will be the only way I make fruit salad from now on. And that is a big statement…
Can we pause for a moment of cuteness? ABSOLUTELY!! Sorry for yelling but my nephew is just the most adorable thing on the planet, in my humble and totally non-biased option 🙂 I made this Secret Ingredient Fruit Salad for his first birthday party. I talked more about it in this post: Skinny Southern Potato Salad Recipe and a 1 Year Old’s Birthday!
Here is the set-up for his smash cake. Too cute, right? BTW…I had very little to do with the crafting that is going on in this banner. My sisters are both WAY more crafty than I…I think they might have let me use a glue stick, but that would be the extent of my crafting. LOL 🙂
Back to food, which is something I can do 😉 Obviously outdoor photography is something that I cannot. I apologize for these over-exposed pictures that even Photoshop couldn’t fix entirely. I guess I thought I was still inside doing my food photography thing and not outdoors on a super-sunny day. My bad.
Wow! That’s some bright fruit!! LOL 🙂 Have I stalled enough yet on what this super secret ingredient is? Are you just giddy with anticipation? Okay maybe that is only me and my ridiculous obsession with all things food??? But someone has to agree with me, right?
Okay…drum roll please…
Can you do that rolling “r” thing with your tongue? I totally cannot and it just irks me when people do it so effortlessly. Oh well…
What the heck is that white stuff all over the cut-up fruit? It’s the secret ingredient in this Secret Ingredient Fruit Salad! Dry Instant Vanilla Puddling Mix!! I found this recipe by Rachel Schultz and pretty much just copied it. I did slightly change the ratio of fruit, but other than that I kept to her recipe. I do want to try sugar-free dry instant vanilla pudding mix sometime. That would cut down on the added sugar. I didn’t try it here because it was going to be fed to a bunch of 1 year olds.
Here is your recipe for Secret Ingredient Fruit Salad:
- 4 tbsp. dry instant vanilla pudding mix
- 2 lbs. of strawberries, quartered
- 1 pint of blueberries
- 1 pint of raspberries
- 1 pineapple, cubed
- 1 bunch grapes (approximately 2 lbs.), cut in half
- Rinse the fruit and drain as much water off as possible.
- Quarter the strawberries, cube the pineapple and cut grapes in half.
- Place all prepared fruit in a large mixing bowl.
- Sprinkle pudding powder over fruit and stir.
- Serve immediately or let marinate overnight in the frig.
I bet the pudding mix adds a nice creamy richness to the fruit salad. And, anything that gets kids to eat fruit must be good!
It’s does and just punches up the flavors of the fruit!
I love the cuteness pause, we all need one. This fruit salad is so vibrant and colorful, love it.
Thank you Janette! I agree 🙂
Hmmm, never thought about adding anything to fruit salad, interesting!
OMG-I’m going to make this tomorrow! I’ve been looking for a new way to make my fruit salad for lunch (I’m on Weight Watchers), so this will DEFINITELY be an addition to my recipe folder! Thank you!!!
You’re welcome Dionne! If you try it with the sugar free mix, let me know how it goes.
G’day! Love colourful and healthy fruit salad!
Cheers! Joanne
I loveee adding vanilla pudding mix to my fruit! So yummy for bbq’s during the summer!
This looks delicious!
I often add pudding mix to my cookie recipes but, fruit salad…that’s genius! I can’t wait to give this a try!
Great looking salad and I would have never guessed your secret ingredient, cool!!
I love fruit salad! So pretty!
Such a cutie! I’ve found over the years that vanilla pudding is such a great ingredient to add to all kinds of things, but I never thought of fruit salad. Definitely gonna try this!
I can’t do the drumroll thing or roll my “R’s” either. I would have never guessed vanilla pudding mix, but now I’m dying to try it!
Fruit salads are my ultimate kryptonite. This fruit salad looks incredible and I would never have thought of using Vanilla Pudding Mix.
Your nephew is soooo adorable 😀 I love fruit salad,I will definitely try adding vanilla pudding mix next time
I looooove those colors!!!
Looks pretty. Love the baseball themed party! I need to do a baseball themed one of these years.
I’m sold 🙂 I have the vanilla pudding mix… now if I just had some fresh fruit in the house I could make this happen!
I love all the colours! I’m not a fan of vanilla pudding mix myself but love all the fruit!
Thanks Genevieve! You don’t really taste the pudding mix.